Education Career Guidance
At The World Linx, student profiles are carefully assessed to guide the student towards desired career outcomes. Our guidance counselor’s help you narrow down your university choices based on your chosen career path and various other constraints. Advisors are knowledgeable sources and are trained to guide you in choosing courses, institutions and destinations.
Educational fairs and seminars
Every year we organize various awareness programs for the benefit of the students. Educational fairs and seminars are held where visitors from representative universities and experienced advisors on education abroad share information on education and other aspects of education abroad. These programs also require students to apply to visiting majors. However, there is no obligation on the part of students to submit applications, which can be seen as an information gathering exercise.
Application Procedure
Application process Participation in business is a competitive process; it requires thorough research and practical work. In order for your candidate to stand out from the many applications received by universities, The World Linx provides guidance to understand the complex application process and better understand the university’s expectations. Our services include guidelines for designing your CV, highlighting strengths and highlighting strengths in your CV to give you an edge, ensuring your application is right.
Help after selection our job is not limited to guaranteeing your place in the college of your choice. Our educational advisors know the visa requirements of foreign countries and provide assistance with the visa application. The World Linx service facilitates trade and payment. Pre-departure orientation is done to allow you to have a smooth departure to the destination and a smooth landing.